December 27, 2009

Year-end Wrap Up

Well, here it is, the end of the year, and the end of the first decade of the 21st century. It has been a good year for WonderMom and I, good, but not particularly exciting or remarkable in any way. I say this as an an excuse for not keeping up with this blog as I should have, and to avoid admitting that I was just too damn lazy to work on it!

The highlight of the year was the visit by all of our children and grand children this past summer. It was the first time in several years that we have all been together. We all had a good time fondly remembering childhood antics and crises, and
all the cousins got reacquainted.

We, as most seniors, I think, spent a lot of time watching and listening to the childish scrabbling over the "health care bill" that dominated the airwaves all year, and ended with a whimper!

Mostly we coped with an unusually wet and cool year - the sump pump is running regularly today as it has most of the year!

Our biggest excitement, at least from my point of view, was my trip to the ER in a meat wagon a couple of weeks ago. I had an asthma attack - my first ever - and was having a lot of trouble breathing. I'd had bronchitis problems when I was a little kid, but nothing since then. I started to get a wheeze a few years ago, but it was mostly an annoyance when trying to sleep. I have been using a nasal spray for that and had pretty much conquered it, until this fall. After a few hours of IV steroids, nebulizer treatments, oxygen, a chest X-ray and CT scan in the ER, I was pronounced healthy except for the asthma, and sent home. Can't wait to see the tab for that night! My follow up visit to the Dr. resulted in a Rx for antibiotics, steroids, and
Advair until my next Dr. visit in the spring.

Through it all, WonderMom has been just that - a wonder at coping with my needs and taking care of me calmly and efficiently. Thanks honey!

At any rate, I'm feeling really good now, breathing fine and, because of the short steroid course, many of my chronic aches (knees) are gone.

On a happier note, we spent a pleasant Christmas with Cricket and her family in Forgottonia. We had a gleeful gift opening in the morning, a great lasagna dinner, and a fun multiple video chat with Socket in NC and Shimmy in CA at the same time - we are technology hounds! WonderMom and I were able to sneak home on Saturday, shortly before the snow brought travel to a halt!

We are preparing for our annual journey to the Valley of the Sun in a couple of days. As is normal, we stayed here too long, and now our trip is threatened by the elements. Hopefully, we'll be able to leave on time, the 29th, and arrive at the RV park on the 31st. Looking forward to seeing Officecat and NASCARGuy again and spending an enjoyable warm winter with them. As an added treat this year, our friends Duffer and YogaGal will be spending a few weeks in the Valley this winter, so we'll be able to continue with our monthly dinners with them.

Well, that's it for now. I'll try my best to continue with our winter blog, Westward Ho & Back

Have a good winter and stay warm.

September 23, 2009

Computer Forum Presentation!

As readers of this blog know, I'm not a particularly ambitious blogger, and I don't have a lot to blog about, so I haven't put much effort into dressing up the page. Now Cricket does it up right, with slide shows and seasonal headers, and such!

So naturally I was tapped to give a brief presentation on Blogging at the monthly computer forum. Well, I did, and it was passable. I demonstrated how to create a blog from scratch on Blogger. The thing was, I had to do a little digging onto the finer points of blogger and finally learned how to do some of the things Cricket has been doing.

Look for little embellishments, such as the new header image, on this page in the future. Not much, just enough to get me to the next hurdle that I'm too lazy to leap over for a while. I've got some video (analog) of a recent Balloon Glow that I'd like to post, and some flora and fauna photos to put in a slide show. Come back in a week or so to see how (if) I'm doing!

August 26, 2009

Summertime, And The Livin's Been Busy

OK! I’m back! I know you’ve missed me because of all the emails I’ve received wondering where I went. I read them all, both of them! I’ve been collecting things to write about, but it is difficult since I lead such an uninteresting life. Here it is - for what it’s worth - enjoy.

We last visited back in mid May. Since then WonderMom and I have been kept busy by our children, their children, my family in Upstate, some friends, and some memories.

June began with Cutie Pie’s birthday #4, and we had a small family party for her here at the ranch. She had been counting the days, and was thrilled when it finally got here. WonderMom made her a beach cover for all of the swimming she planned for the summer - if it ever warmed up!

Add Image

Shortly after that, we had the annual swarming of the prodigal children as Shimmy, Sysguy, Thing 1, and Thing 2 invaded from the west, while Socket, Mistletoe, and Pickle invaded from the east. Cricket, Paco, Scooter, Sweetie, and Cutie were already here. It was a grand affair, and we loved seeing them all together again.

Our first adventure was the newly remodelled zoo with a special Africa exhibit. We saw the lions, tigers and ... giraffes (no bears in Africa)!

Socket and family couldn’t stay for very long, but we did have a good visit with them, and Pickle got to see and play with her cousins for the first time in 2 years.

Shimmy, Cricket and I took Scooter and Thing 1 to the local air show in mid July. I always enjoy air shows, especially with the Thunderbirds on show, but the two kids could care less and didn’t like the noise! We’ll leave them home next time!

Shimmy and family retired to Cricket’s home where there is more room for five rambunksious kids to create havoc without driving the ‘old folks’ nuts. From there they went on other adventures such as Fun City in Iowa, and swimming in the local pond.

We had a few dinners here, one with my sisters from Upstate who came to see our seldom seen kids. I fixed some bodacious ribs on the grill for that meal, and a nice leg of lamb on the grill for another. We mostly ate out other than that so WonderMom didn’t have to make any huge meals this year - she made plenty of smaller ones though!

After the kids all went back home, things settled down a little, WonderMom and I went Upstate for a wedding reception (the wedding was 2 weeks earlier in Las Vegas) and reacquaint ourselves with some of my paternal aunts, uncle, and 1st and 2nd cousins. It was a nice party and it was good to see the family again (I’m the prodigal from that side of the family!)

In between family activities, I put on a couple of presentations for the local senior center computer club; one on the iPod Touch, and one on Moving video tapes to DVDs. WonderMom hasn’t been sewing so much this summer; she’s been too busy reading. She must have read 20 books so far. When she discovered she could order books from any library in the state on-line thru our local library, she was in literary heaven

This past weekend was kind of the grand finale for our summer. We attended my 50 year high school class reunion. It’s hard to believe it has been that long, but it must be true because there were a lot of old people there. Sunday morning we attended a breakfast and tour of the high school. This was a real treat, because it is the first time WonderMom has seen the building close up and inside. What makes it special is that the building is on the national historical register. It was built in 1934 as a WPA project. The design is Art Deco and the brickwork is fabulous. It was great to walk down those halls again.

The classic main entrance

Statues at the entrance

The entryway frescoes painted in 1936 - restored in 1987

Well that’s been our summer here at the ranch. Looking forward to an equally busy fall wihat with grandkids’ school programs, and birthdays coming up. I’ll try to do better on keeping up so my 2 fans have something new to read - maybe.

May 17, 2009

Drying Out!

We've been drenched in rain this Spring, as you have been if you live anywhere in the midwest!  The back yard is squishy, and the worms are climbing trees!
I hope the sunny weather of today and tomorrow is a portent of sunnier climes. The farmers really need to get into the fields so we can replenish our ethanol stocks!  Also, our basements need to dry out.

Not much new to report since last time.  We're expecting a visit from OfficeCat from AZ this week.  It'll be good to see her again.

WonderMom has been busy power washing the deck so I can put some preservative on it.  We got the yard cleaned up and the lawn mowed - finally.  It's been busy.

The big excitement today was the spotting of a bird we've never seen in the wild before.  We heard this tap-tap-tapping in our big shade tree.  WonderMom spotted it first.  I got the camera and took a bunch of photos:

It's a Pileated Woodpecker.  Not particularly rare, but not normally found near inhabited areas, usually in the deep woods.  Apparently they have been moving closer to civilization the past few years.  Anyway, it was a real treat for us to watch it work.  It's a pretty big bird, about the size of a crow. The photos aren't great because it was pretty high up in the tree and I had to blow them up a lot to get a good look at it.  But at least I got her (I think) on the record (can't say "on film" anymore, can I).

April 20, 2009

Is It Spring Yet?

Here we are more than half way through April and the tulips are just beginning to bloom, the magnolia tree had almost no blossoms on it, and the trees are just starting to show a little green.  Weather has been nice for a few days, but now it's back to rain which is expected to last into Tuesday.  Any time now!

The unspringy weather hasn't slowed us down at all though.  WonderMom and I took advantage of the nice weather to clean up the flower beds in the front yard.  Still have a lot of work to do in the back, but that'll have to wait for the next dry spell.
Need to get the tomato and pepper seedlings from Cricket to get them ready for putting out next month.  I was looking at them when we were at her place for Easter.  Had a great time with them, BTW, and guess what, the new puppy like me!

Speaking of Cricket, she and Paco have sprung for a new (to them) van, a newer ('06 I believe) Sienna, a burgundy red, LE model.  She showed up with it last Thursday when she visited before taking her brood to see the dentist (good reports all around BTW).  Lucky for us we had our new (to us) '08 Prius parked in the driveway so she could be surprised, too!  And Shimmy complimented us on getting a car the same color as our house - sea foam green or something!  See photo!  That's WonderMom reprising her role as a car show model!

Also picked up a few new items from the Apple store, and they all shipped on different days - free shipping all around.  The FedEx folks stopped by four different days last week! 

And finally, WonderMom picked out a new glider to replace my overstuffed (and over used) lounge chair.  It takes up less space and is actually more comfy. 

I think (hope) were done with the buying spree for a bit. 

We went out to dinner with our friends from up north, whom we haven't seen since last November.  It was good to see them again.  We got all caught up on family happenings and summer plans.  We always enjoy our infrequent get togethers with them. 

More when it happens!

April 9, 2009

It's Good To Be Home

It's been a good winter for us, especially given the rough one the folks back home here had.  We had to turn on the heat for a few days in January and February, and got to use the AC twice in March, but most of the time was it was pleasant.  That's what we go for!

WonderMom had a great winter with her quilting as I documented in our Westward Ho blog.  She felt accepted and became a part of the quilting group in our RV park and even joined the local chapter of the AZ Quilters Guild as a member at large.

I spent most of my time doing computer stuff - boring, I know - but it's what I do!  I was able to video the annual talent show AND a small play this year and create DVD for sale.  I enjoy doing that kind of work, but it is time consuming.

Our several outings with OfficeCat aka Cruise Director, and NASCARguy were chronicled in the various posts in the Westward Ho blog, here and here.

We also enjoyed our visits with Shimmy and her family in CA.  The boys, Thing one and Thing two, are growing and maturing a lot in our absences.  Wish we could see them more.  Looking forward to their visit this summer.  I'm hoping Socket and his family can make it this year.  It'll be good to have them all together again.

Our trip home was mostly uneventful.  We ran into some dust/sand storms in NW AZ, but there were no places where you couldn't see the cars ahead of you.  Had to keep the outside air vents closed to keep the dust out of the car.  The bird seems pretty airtight.  We also ran into some patchy fog Friday morning east of Tulsa on I-44.  Gas prices were down dramatically from last year!  The highest we paid was $2.13 in Grants, NM.  Everyplace else was under $2.00. 

Our neighbor, Dale, who watches our house while we're away, had already gotten the water turned on, the water heater turned up, and the waterbed plugged in.  It was all ready for us to move right back in. He does a great job for us!

Cricket and her family arrived here shortly after we got home and got the house opened up.  Along with hugs and kisses, they brought food for the weekend, so WonderMom didn't have to do any cooking or shopping right away.  We'll be going to her house this weekend for Easter. 

That's about it for now.  We're getting things organized (we brought a lot of stuff back home) and stowed.  Got the computer network up and running, with some problem.  We have a little old iBook that just runs the upstairs printer.  I made the mistake of installing a bunch of updates that were waiting and it wouldn't boot up afterwords.  Had to wipe the drive and reinstall the OS, normally a simple procedure.  However!  The OS that was on it is only available on a DVD, and this iBook doesn't do DVDs!  The external DVD drive I used to install the OS last time, decided it didn't want to work anymore either!  So I had to settle for an older OS version  that I had on CDs.

Meantime, WonderMom is already working on her first quilt of the summer!

I'll be back as things happen, if they happen, just in case someone actually reads this blog.