April 26, 2008

More Pretty Flowers

Can't help myself. The bright colors after a drab winter just beg me to photograph them. And I m compelled to share! So here are the latest blooms in the yard. There are still some tulips that haven't bloomed yet, so you'll have to wait a bit to see them!

OK! That's it 'til the iris bloom (flowerwise!).

April 22, 2008

Flying Tree Trimmer

OK! Hadn't planned to blog today, but the flying tree trimmer came through here today. I have this compulsion to share the experience with the world.

This appears to be an MD 500 D or E helicopter trailing an eleven-bladed gang circular saw from a 60 foot shaft.

It flies in dangerously (IMHO) close to the power lines to clear the tree limbs hanging out over the powerline right-of-way. He didn't spend as much time here as last time and I didn't get much video footage, but it's interesting none the less. Enjoy!

Here is the same setup taken in October 2005, the first time he was here. I didn't expect it to be back so soon. This has to cost a bunch of $, but how else would you do the job in inaccessible locations like the deep valley here.

That's it for today. Oh, went to the dentist today - "Look, Ma! No cavities"!

April 20, 2008

Sweet, Sweet Music!

OK! WonderMom here. First time blogging so bear with me. This morning we were on our way to Cricket and Paco's house when we got a phone call from Marble in Minnesota. She had arrived home but it was cold and damp. When she left AZ it was 98 degrees and heading higher. It may be raining in Central IL but we can wait a few more weeks for the hot stuff. Besides, April showers bring May flowers. Marble and I discussed how big our respective homes seem to be after a few months in a trailer.

Although, what I have found is that it is time to downsize. We have waaaaay too much stuff. Time to get rid of things we never use and don't really need. Superdad and I seem to be those kind of people who keep things just in case we may need them. Time to let go! Now, understand, I am not talking about my fabric stash here! There is never too much fabric!

Quit laughing Cricket and Shimmy!! Shimmy feels the same way about yarn.

The occasion for our visit today was a violin recital for Sweetie Pie.

She is doing quite well, seems to enjoy playing, and doing so in front of an audience does not seem to bother her at all. BTW, Sweetie had the privilege of having Daddy for an accompanist

Scooter read a book during the recital (Harry Potter) and Cutie Pie was her usual impish little self. I was informed that Sweetie Pie has finished the first set of Junie B. Jones books and is ready for more. Amazon will soon have an order. We are delighted all our grandchildren seem to be so interested in reading and are doing so well.

No news from SuperDad except to say that we were both really pleased with Sweetie's performance, and proud of her for the effort and enthusiasm she has put into learning the violin.

April 18, 2008

Spring Has Sprang Here!

Our tulips are heralding the demise of Old Man Winter!

Our daffodils are trumpeting the arrival of warm(er) weather!

Our little Magnolia tree is celebrating the sunshine - three weeks later than last year!

Hopefully the cold is over until next winter and springtime can proceed forthwith! I even got out and cleaned up some of last year's floral debris.

After scurrying around for a new cable modem, our old Motorola unit having bought the farm unexpectedly Thursday morning. Alas, we are joined at the hip to the Internet for our news of the outside world.

Since the Chicago Tribune decided they could no longer afford to deliver their product to "our area"! I'm guessing the wages paid to their delivery people ran smack into the escalating gas prices in our area! Did I mention that Tuesday PM, every gas station in our area suddenly jumped up to $3.43 from a variety of previous prices. Can you say "price fixing"?

And yes, the ground shook for us this morning! Actually only a few glasses in the cupboard rattled
about 10:30, to signal a small aftershock of the rare geological event. We slept through the "BIG" one at 5:30!

No new stuff from WonderMom this week. She's been busy getting us back to normal after our return from AZ. She says,"We're all unpacked. The washing is done and the house is clean - ish!"

April 13, 2008

A New Beginning

This is the first issue of a new blog to chronicle the goings on at our spring/summer/fall home in the midwest for the benefit of our far flung family and friends who might give a damn!

It will primarily be a forum for WonderMom to showcase her quilting and sewing achievements. We may also use it to show off our grandkids and maybe some of SuperDad's achievements - if he ever has any!

We returned from our winter home in AZ on 04/04 with a little sunshine clinging to our bumper. That weekend was warmish and sunny, thank you very much! We spent much of it helping Cricket look for a new car. Since then, however, the weather has fallen back into it's Midwestern habit of being cold, wet, and miserable for far too long. What'd you do with Spring while we were gone?

Anyway! Here are some of WonderMom's latest creations in quilts. The first one was actually created last fall and left with the quilter over the winter. They did an excellent job with a vines and leaves pattern. Hope you can see the details in the photo. Here's "Crazy Quilt" a log cabin strap quilt. (click on the photo for a larger image)

This one is her finest achievement to date IMHO. She created it over the winter with her "winter" sewing machine. Here's her "Stained Glass" quilt. It is not complete or quilted, but worth showing off a little.

So far, SuperDad has cleaned out some of the flower beds and replaced the OTR microwave which died suddenly last Thursday. Replacing it was an emergency as this appliance is used only slightly less than the refrigerator in our home! Normally this wouldn't be a noteworthy accomplishment except the mounting system was different from the old one, and the $*@! power cord had a straight plug, not a right-angled wall-hugging plug for which the original installation was designed. So everything had to be redone, in close quarters, over the range, with my left hand!

Well, that's all for now. I'm trying to get WonderMom to do some blogging here so you don't have to listen to my bitchin' only! We may post more often than weekly, but don't count on it.