July 16, 2008

Flowers of Summer

Time to show off our summer flowers which are in full bloom now. We don't have to plant anything anymore, these are all perennials. We do plant a few pots of bright petunias to add some color while we wait for the lilies, purple cone flowers, and black-eyed susans. Enjoy! We do!

Purple Cone flowers Provide a meeting place for the Bumble Bees!
Later the dried seeds will give the birds a change of diet.

This stand of Moonbeam Coriopsis has been around a long time.

Asiatic Lillies make splashes of color.

Day Lillies add their color too.

A Black-eyed Susan vine and Clematis adorn the mail box.

And the Petunia pots are bursting!

The tomato and pepper plants are bearing fruit, but not quite ripe yet, but we did get a couple of ripe grape tomatos yesterday - mmmmm! Even the upside down tomatoes have fruit on them, but they don't look as healthy as the regular plants, which are also planted in pots.

July 9, 2008

Winging It Solo!

Shimmy and her family have arrived from LaLa land. It's always good to see them. Sysguy was only here for a week and returned to CA yesterday. Shimmy and the 2 Things will be here for another 2 weeks.

Well, not here exactly. She is staying with her sister, Cricket, in Forgottonia! That's where all the kids are. WonderMom has gone to spend a couple of days of quality time with her daughters unencumbered by spousal demands! Well Paco will be there to manage the combined broods - he has a great way with kids. Anyhow, I'll go pick WonderMom up on Friday, before I starve to death!

We spent the 4th of July with them and went to their local celebration and fireworks in the evening. Paco played in the municipal band and performed a solo.

We (WonderMom and I) were introduced to the Wii game platform by Cricket and Paco. I'll have to admit, the Golf and Bowling games are very realistic, and provide a surprisingly accurate challange. Some of the other games, not so much. Sysguy brought a Mario game with him and we watched him and Paco play that for a while, but it held no interest for me. Both Cricket and Shimmy have Wii now, as well as a friend or 2 of ours. We're being surrounded! Don't think we'll be indulging though. Too much computer and quilting stuff to keep busy with.

I'll be back in a few days with photos of the summer flowers and my upside down tomato plants.