April 9, 2009

It's Good To Be Home

It's been a good winter for us, especially given the rough one the folks back home here had.  We had to turn on the heat for a few days in January and February, and got to use the AC twice in March, but most of the time was it was pleasant.  That's what we go for!

WonderMom had a great winter with her quilting as I documented in our Westward Ho blog.  She felt accepted and became a part of the quilting group in our RV park and even joined the local chapter of the AZ Quilters Guild as a member at large.

I spent most of my time doing computer stuff - boring, I know - but it's what I do!  I was able to video the annual talent show AND a small play this year and create DVD for sale.  I enjoy doing that kind of work, but it is time consuming.

Our several outings with OfficeCat aka Cruise Director, and NASCARguy were chronicled in the various posts in the Westward Ho blog, here and here.

We also enjoyed our visits with Shimmy and her family in CA.  The boys, Thing one and Thing two, are growing and maturing a lot in our absences.  Wish we could see them more.  Looking forward to their visit this summer.  I'm hoping Socket and his family can make it this year.  It'll be good to have them all together again.

Our trip home was mostly uneventful.  We ran into some dust/sand storms in NW AZ, but there were no places where you couldn't see the cars ahead of you.  Had to keep the outside air vents closed to keep the dust out of the car.  The bird seems pretty airtight.  We also ran into some patchy fog Friday morning east of Tulsa on I-44.  Gas prices were down dramatically from last year!  The highest we paid was $2.13 in Grants, NM.  Everyplace else was under $2.00. 

Our neighbor, Dale, who watches our house while we're away, had already gotten the water turned on, the water heater turned up, and the waterbed plugged in.  It was all ready for us to move right back in. He does a great job for us!

Cricket and her family arrived here shortly after we got home and got the house opened up.  Along with hugs and kisses, they brought food for the weekend, so WonderMom didn't have to do any cooking or shopping right away.  We'll be going to her house this weekend for Easter. 

That's about it for now.  We're getting things organized (we brought a lot of stuff back home) and stowed.  Got the computer network up and running, with some problem.  We have a little old iBook that just runs the upstairs printer.  I made the mistake of installing a bunch of updates that were waiting and it wouldn't boot up afterwords.  Had to wipe the drive and reinstall the OS, normally a simple procedure.  However!  The OS that was on it is only available on a DVD, and this iBook doesn't do DVDs!  The external DVD drive I used to install the OS last time, decided it didn't want to work anymore either!  So I had to settle for an older OS version  that I had on CDs.

Meantime, WonderMom is already working on her first quilt of the summer!

I'll be back as things happen, if they happen, just in case someone actually reads this blog.

1 comment:

shimmy said...

Oh, Puleeze, you love it when stuff breaks. It keeps you off the street.