September 23, 2009

Computer Forum Presentation!

As readers of this blog know, I'm not a particularly ambitious blogger, and I don't have a lot to blog about, so I haven't put much effort into dressing up the page. Now Cricket does it up right, with slide shows and seasonal headers, and such!

So naturally I was tapped to give a brief presentation on Blogging at the monthly computer forum. Well, I did, and it was passable. I demonstrated how to create a blog from scratch on Blogger. The thing was, I had to do a little digging onto the finer points of blogger and finally learned how to do some of the things Cricket has been doing.

Look for little embellishments, such as the new header image, on this page in the future. Not much, just enough to get me to the next hurdle that I'm too lazy to leap over for a while. I've got some video (analog) of a recent Balloon Glow that I'd like to post, and some flora and fauna photos to put in a slide show. Come back in a week or so to see how (if) I'm doing!

1 comment:

kmbr said...

Good for you, can't wait to see what you come up with!